DOT-UNI@25 Webinar 4: Parents as Learning Facilitators and Life Coaches in Times of Crisis and Beyond
CLSU-DOTUNI and College of Education jointly hosted a very timely webinar last 29 November 2021 on the critical role or parents and guardians during these challenging times in our education system. The pandemic has severely impacted our practice as educators and the lives of learners and their families. But amidst this crisis, our ‘natural partners’ rose to the challenge in ensuring learning continuity even outside the classrooms and formal settings. Thus, as part of our pre-25th anniversary celebrations, through this webinar CLSU-DOTUNI recognized and affirmed the critical role of parents, guardians, foster parents, older siblings, other adult family members in ensuring that home-based learning is possible during this time of pandemic. Through the webinar we were able to provide a platform for parents/guardians to be recognized as partners in education delivery not just in times of crisis but as the real ‘life coaches’ of their children or wards. We were also able to facilitate dialogue between parents on their struggles and triumphs, tales of worries and inspirations, and other ‘relatable’ home schooling experiences. Practical strategies were also identified for both parents/guardians and learners on how to make the ‘home’ truly a site for learning. Our invited guest speaker was Assistant Professor Ma. Charmaine Ramiro-Gaa of Romblon State University-College of Education. She was formerly a faculty member of the Department of Family Life and Child Development at the College of Home Economics, University of the Philippines-Diliman. She also studied and trained abroad, at the University of Oregon in the US and University of Oslo in Norway. She is a much sought trainor for parent education seminars and professional development programs for Day Care Workers and other ECCD practitioners.